
Marketing and sales

Strategies and technologies which enable you to “reach out and touch” anything virtual. This is the OnLife vision of Desys.

Our solutions devoted to marketing are the almost automatic result of the technologies implemented in production and after-sale, with great advantages in terms of Time-to-Market and optimization of those resources employed daily in your Marketing sector.

Here is what we propose to our customers with our ready-to-use technology:
- reduction in the costs of product prototyping and photography
- improved communication thanks to the visual documentation of all the phases of product life cycle
- cutting the costs of outsourcing for the generation of photos, renderings, and modeling, through the utilization of 3D
- the possibility of showing your customers, or prospective customers, your products as they actually appear in reality, using VR (Virtual Reality) technology advertising a large number of products with many variations, without the need of having the finished product
- increasing sales of both new and already existing products by offering to the customer improved communication and better assistance services
- reduce the time needed for the creation of animations from weeks to just minutes by integrating real videos and 3D
- integrate realized media (interactive 3D, renderings, 360° Virtual Tours, and videos) into the Linkersys collaborative “visual” web platform, adding extraordinary value to your company
- create 360° Virtual Tours utilizing photos or renderings, including in VR (Virtual Reality) modality, with fantastic results, as well as being integrated in Linkersys. It’s possible to create a “virtual open house”
- thanks to the Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), that we have developed in Linkersys, and to our technological partners, our customers are changing the way of communicating on the market and in trade shows