

Manuals become visual and interactive

Our management module for manual creation provides the customer with a powerful tool for managing their own product manuals. This tool combines ease of use with extreme flexibility to confront even the most complex situations. Moreover, once the desired manual has been created, it can be used immediately thanks to the fact that Linkersys technology is web-based. Every paragraph of the manual will be a re-usable “block” for every other publication. Manuals created in this way can be easily exported to the principal word processors, where any needed corrections to the layout in order to make the document printable can be rapidly performed. Besides traditional documentation, it’s possible to manage advanced 3D documentation and insert films and instructions regarding assembly/disassembly in 3D format, explanations through 360° photos and videos, and objects to be transported into the real and virtual world (AR/VR).

- Multilingual management of contents
- Use of paragraphs in common with other modules
- Management of visibility regarding every paragraph/chapter/ manual
- Management of revisions regarding single paragraphs and related contents in common with other modules
- Management of multimedia documents (video, 3D animation, 3D training images, and 360° VT) in common with other modules (manuals, E-learning)
- Management of AR/VR contents in common with other modules (product cards, manuals, E-learning)
- Integration with Linkersys Tube (Video Streaming)
- Exportation of contents to Microsoft Word
- Simple and intuitive publishing
- Distribution of web-based information
- “Where used” and order history functionality